What Should I Expect After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
You will notice a difference in the amount and type of food you can eat after sleeve gastrectomy. You will receive nutritional counseling on do’s and don’ts. It is important to eat the right foods so that you can eat well. You may need to take vitamins daily.

Exercise is important. Most people find that exercising becomes easier as they lose weight after surgery. The more you exercise, the more your weight will decrease. It’s like the snowball effect: as a snowball rolls downhill, it goes faster and bigger – you lose more weight and regain your health. We recommend our patients to exercise at least 5 days a week, at least 30 minutes a day.
Depending on proper diet and exercise, it is reasonable to expect that at least 60 percent of your excess weight will be gone after surgery. Of course, there are many factors that affect these rates. Most patients stabilize at their new low weight within 1-2 years after surgery, but dramatic weight loss can often be seen within the first few weeks.
After the surgery, diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea, which are related to weight, can regress or be completely eliminated. With weight loss, the risks of future diseases such as heart disease and cancer are also reduced.

Weight loss surgery is not without risks. The risks of surgery must be carefully considered against the benefits of losing weight. Any major surgery (such as heart surgery, cancer surgery, knee replacement) carries risks of anesthesia, bleeding, infection, blood clots, pulmonary embolism. In addition, there are risks of hernia, gallbladder problems, intestinal obstruction and leakage or stenosis along the suture line in Gastric Bypass and Gastric sleeve Surgery. The incidence of all these risks is very low. The important thing is to treat these problems in a timely manner with early diagnosis.
For more detailed information about obesity treatment, you can contact us and make a free preliminary appointment.